1. Make sure version of Hbase and Hadoop matches,
If the version you use in Hadoop is 0.20.3, do not try to install Hbase with version differs alog
Error like:
FATAL org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster: Unhandled exception. Starting shutdown.
java.io.IOException: Call to node1:9000 failed on local exception: java.io.EOFException
2. untar the file hbase-0.90.3.tar.gz with tar -zxvf hbase-0.90.3.tar.gz
3. Place the directory under /opt/hbase
4. Configure regionservers, hbase-site.xml, hbase-env.sh
Regionservers: place the hostname of master and slaves in hadoop here
hbase-site.xml: (IF .META. is CORRUPTED, be sure to replace rootdir from original path, says hdfs://node1:9000/hbase to hdfs://node1:9000/hbase1)
export HBASE_OPTS="-ea -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode"
export HBASE_REGIONSERVERS=${HBASE_HOME}/conf/regionservers
export HBASE_PID_DIR=/var/hadoop/hbase-pids
export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=false
5. Replace the jar file (!IMPORTANT)
rm /opt/hbase/lib/hadoop-core-0.20-append-r1056497.jarcp /opt/hadoop-0.20.2/hadoop-0.20.0-core.jar /opt/hbase/lib/
6. sh start-hbase.sh
7. Using jps to check existing process
10700 TaskTracker-- from hadoop
10494 SecondaryNameNode-- from hadoop
2676 RunJar-- from hadoop
10232 NameNode -- from hadoop
10575 JobTracker-- from hadoop
10361 DataNode -- from hadoop
3541 HMaster --from hbase
3686 HRegionServer -- from hbase
31336 QuorumPeerMain -- from zookeepr
6. ./hbase shell (START HBASE ING~)
7. If you encounter error: java.io.IOException: HRegionInfo was null or empty in -ROOT-
your meta is corrupted, be sure to use step 4 in setting hbase-site.xml to resolve the issue.